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Channeling A Spirit

Most mediums aren't really tuning in and talking to your loved ones.

They're tuning in to all the thoughtforms that your person left behind.

Most of the messages will sound exactly like the person.

I've personally had many people offering messages from a person I dated for almost 2 decades that passed. It became infuriating because they just reiterated the things he said in life, and never actually said what he's saying now.

How do you know the difference between thoughtforms and their spirit?

Well, if the conversation hasn't evolved or changed in some way its likely thoughtforms.

As a medium, speaking to Spirit will likely give you shivers, you'll feel and sense all their emotions with an intensity unlike any other and it could leave you in a state of shock or an alterted state.

It won't feel like a simple message. It will feel complex and intricate, even if the statement is simple.

You'll likely feel anxious as soon as there is a Spirit near you without even knowing it's there.

It'll be hard to shake the anxiety until they leave.

There's something about genuinely touching the other side that's going to take a little bit to come back from.

Thoughtforms are here and relatively easy to tune into. Spirits are not here in the same way, and there's a vibrational shift and brain frequency shift that needs to happen physically. You'll need a solid practice to come back from those conversations.


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